Living Skin

what is a sunburn?
Almost all of us have experienced sunburn – and many of us were probably not wearing sunscreen at the time.
what is a sunburn?
Almost all of us have experienced sunburn – and many of us were probably not wearing sunscreen at the time.

exfoliation - how much is too much?
Exfoliation delivers a tighter, firmer, smoother look and feel of skin.
exfoliation - how much is too much?
Exfoliation delivers a tighter, firmer, smoother look and feel of skin.

better skin through antioxidants
Unstable free radical molecules, like those from pollution and sun radiation, can prey on the electrons in your skin cells, leading to inflammation, uneven skin tone and signs of premature...
better skin through antioxidants
Unstable free radical molecules, like those from pollution and sun radiation, can prey on the electrons in your skin cells, leading to inflammation, uneven skin tone and signs of premature...